
Showing posts from May, 2023

Companions love you

You are loved by your Companions due to your Individuality ; Companions respect the Uniqueness of their Loved ones and are bonded by Intrinsic  pure qualities of Care and Eternal friendship. Affection is prevalent in Companionship Only where there is Trustworthiness and Faithfulness , the Essence of Love, is there Companionship. My  Companion ,  Bravio

Companíon sage, Bravio


Companions are WITH you , during grief

You held with your loving glance, paw, voice, LOVE always I know you loved me. . .from the way , you held me during my grief Dhira"s Familial love ;    Reshma & Dhira

Being "correct" is most important.

What is " correct " is naturally harmonious, useful and balancing for self and environment.

It is not Correct, Natural nor Balancing to Environment to abuse , euthanise, consume, wear or birthControl animals, birds, hens roosters , fish beings, squirrels

Euthanasia and Negligence is Murder, and has to be prevented from being used upon animals,  birds, hens roosters, fish and other  Sentience. Animals, birds, hens roosters , fish sea beings must be allowed to reproduce and increase in their natural course. They have their due Rights, emotionally and physically. Companions