About " Companionship", some Sharings

Companions genuinely care, understand,  empathise and have a sense of Oneness.

Dogs, some hens and some humans are proven as being Equally intelligent in Companionship and  being as most intimate Companions ( Have Intelligence, emotion, morals and internally felt Sentiments : loyalty, empathy, longing, concern, affection); Love is experienced in them; Love is from Spirit and is eternal.

Without one another, Companions are lonely and without desire to exist.

Companionship is Vital.





Dogs respond to either, and both, Verbal and non-verbal Communications.


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Zechariah 6:1-5 Bible niv

Reference to some  animals who's spirits are completely
 pure celestial heavenly godly Righteous/ proceed from Heaven; 

There are references& experiences  of some  beings ( dogs, hen, birds, humans) who are profoundly Righteous;
the spirit of God is eternal, accessible and could be along with a being- so also that of other Righteous spirits from & of Heaven.


A biblical reference to winged cherubs : 2 cherubs ( innocence) made of same Pure celestial heavenly essence Substance & lovingly facing each other continually ( beholding love);

Its the SpiritSoul essence that allows towards Companionship

Bible, Jeremiah 8:7

Humans would not have been asked to learn ( nor be compared in Righteousness) from the birds herein, if the birds were created Innocent beings of Instinct ( without choice)

For the biblical :
All of the Bible is not taken literally nor is inspired, and this the Most True and relevant Truth is referred by some;
The Bible NIV shares a Reference of a Fish being commanded of God and the fish   as complying- this presence of Fish saved a whole region ;   Fish has a Sentience spirit soul ( understands) as per Bible; fish , water beings are as important as sky ( birds) and Earth ( humans , hens , roosters, chickens  , animals, mammals) beings , and not to be exploited ; nor selective or misleading verses given that make or force people into exploiting them.

Some cherubs , beings
  are Innocent by creation,and
 some birds, beasts, cherubs humans , angels have ( had) Choice.
Innocence being in both, destination is same Heaven.

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